Streamer activity for Ascend RP between 11/05/24 and 18/05/24

Online Graph

There was 14 days 1 hour and 21 minutes streamed by 26 streamers

burgeroperator 34hrs 11mins
PrizzleGotSkillz 30hrs 35mins
lunarwolfsyt 28hrs 46mins
its_JackieG 26hrs 41mins
ColoradoNative_ 26hrs 36mins
TrooperKallam 23hrs 17mins
Tiessen_ 21hrs 50mins
gfdvortex 16hrs 46mins
jayxan64 15hrs 40mins
granny_nancy 14hrs 58mins
xjokersgamex 14hrs 41mins
Ember_Drake 13hrs 17mins
thawatcher01 12hrs 48mins
Toasted4206 11hrs 14mins
shelovesrozii 11hrs 14mins
OfficerHawks617 9hrs 27mins
TheGamingGoonies 5hrs 27mins
SticksStreaming 4hrs 56mins
NDDFILMS 3hrs 49mins
ttv_nightswatch 3hrs 19mins
c4mq 2hrs 48mins
kabizzle 2hrs 12mins
PettersonLivePD 2hrs 10mins
vylitty 36mins
clayton24v 2mins
Madam_Depression 1m