Streamer activity for Ascend RP between 18/04/24 and 25/04/24

Online Graph

There was 13 days 2 hours and 59 minutes streamed by 25 streamers

thawatcher01 54hrs 18mins
shvddex 45hrs 21mins
ColoradoNative_ 43hrs 29mins
TrooperKallam 42hrs 5mins
TheGamingGoonies 27hrs 43mins
sqweagy 13hrs 12mins
ShakeNBake83 12hrs 8mins
FY7E 8hrs 42mins
itsNanoo_ 8hrs 7mins
Tiessen_ 7hrs 8mins
ImmortalLove96 6hrs 47mins
ShinobiMedic 5hrs 47mins
jayxan64 5hrs 27mins
hero_xxxxx 5hrs 7mins
XPocketGremlinX 4hrs 43mins
AkinAlucard 4hrs 27mins
Jestajedi 3hrs 59mins
OfficerHawks617 3hrs 33mins
NDDFILMS 3hrs 28mins
shelovesrozii 3hrs 13mins
kabizzle 2hrs 33mins
earliermars12 1hr 29mins
simplyjustjc 1hr 27mins
HuntedBreed 31mins
BeardedDad1991 15mins